Although the gun port is located directly above the nose radar, it is claimed that the pilot can fire without damaging the delicate APG-65/73 and sensitive adjacent avionics black boxes. The avionics bays are extensively protected against gun gases, smoke, heat and vibration, but still take a pounding when the weapon is fired. This considered, for those who would champion a gun with a little more punch, the feasability of a 30-mm replacement for the M61A1 remains questionable.
There are three distinctive apertures in front of the gun: the central muzzle hole flanked by two lateral holes for gas ejection. Also ram air vents situated on the underside of the nose just aft of the pitot tubes (air data sensors) prevent the buildup of potentially dangerous gases in the gun bay. A noticable pattern of soot appears on the nose of the aircraft after the Vulcan has been fired.